Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation

- Industry Development Projects

Intergalactic Securities pro-active visionary work is also very down to earth and as real as it gets for practical and extremely dynamic development and deployment of the Economic Toolbox.

This includes the Industry Development Projects, with tools, resources, products, services, orgnization, project management that offer an environment to build a proper economic industrial foundation and super structure in a more civilized advanced civilization.

The Industry Development Projects offer opportunity with exponential capabilities, power, productivity and profitability in the process of creating, enabling, augmentation and amplification, the reality of cause and effect, karma, synchronicity, providence, pro-active diligence in strategic, tactical, operational environments.

This allows and creates favourable conditions for more things to be possible, permanent victory, prosperity, the quality of life, the transformation of consciousness, capabilities and vision, our thoughts, dreams and vision into reality. This is part of the alternate reality creation engine.

Industry Development : [Trust & Accounts]

Mining Projects Continuum

Defence and Advanced Projects Continuum

Transportation Projects Continuum

Construction Projects Continuum

Petro Chemicals Industry Continuum :

Financial Industry Continuum :

Government, Public - Private Entities, Trades & Industries;

Making the USMCA* Agreement Obsolete & Irrelevant;

Notes*: The USMCA - the United States, Mexico and Canada Agreeent
replaced NAFTA - the North American Free trade Agreement on July 1, 2020, some consider it the ultimate Canada Day treason, but is it only one of many actions based on crime, treason, genocide, war and immorality based on the globalism liberalism operating system. What about the anti-corruption measures? Dominion Day does not exist when there is no nation state sovereignty.

Oilpatch Notes:
I wish all these problems: were this simple…as proposed here with the ISMC Industry Development Account, you snooze, you lose.

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ISMC Industry Development Account

Jurisdiction, Entities & Agreements : Prosperity, Power & Confidence;

for pro-active, visionary and ambitious people
local, regional and national projects
Integrating real global research awareness
Amplified with the alternate reality creation engine…